Heavy duty I.D. holder: You are viewing UMX > Lanyards > Badge Holders > ID Holder > Heavy Duty I.D. Holders.
We are heavy duty I.D. holder factory direct wholesale store. We make a variety of heavy duty I.D. holders for long time use I.D. cards security application. The swivel I.D. clips on the holder and clip on your pocket easily. The holes on the I.D. clip can hook on your lanyards. We supply holders with wholesale low cost to general public.
< click to enlarge holder's schematic dimension  >


Outside Size

Fit Card Size


Width x Height

Width x Height

Front x Back

Heavy Duty I.D. Holder.

4 1/4"(W)x3 1/2(H)



Heavy Duty I.D. Holder Supplies.
We are heavy duty I.D. holder wholesaler.
We are heavy duty I.D. holder supplier.

Durable I.D. Holder

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You are viewing UMX > Lanyards > Badge Holders > ID Holder > Heavy Duty I.D. Holder.

ID Holder Supply - Factory Direct.Contact: info@umei.com

You are viewing UMX > Lanyards, Lanyard > Badge Holder > ID Holder > Heavy Duty I.D. Holder.